Saturday, January 21, 2012

Daddy scaring the ducks!

yea i'm bad

My first pies! apple and pumpkin..they turned out ggrrreat!

Our first Thanksgiving together! with Jen, Kawika and Chris!

Bendigo's first experience in the snow! Then Ben and I were Stupi_ cuz we went on the snowmobile while Jen n Kawika watched him and we took off with the keys to the car and they were outside with our son.. we didn't realize it til we got to the top of the mountain.. or something like that.. but he is still alive now.. so it's ok

TY TY his closest cuz!

The Cody Museum! We should make one of these Christmas Trees:)

me sister Rorri as i call her

Buffalo Bill -- in Cody where I was born!
Finally we are on our way to Iowa! in the U-haul and driving through craziness... but we made it, and updates will come soon from our lives from this point
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